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What is the internet?

The internet connects computers all over the world through something called a network. This means that the information one person shares through the internet on one computer (like a story or a picture for example), can be seen on a different computer in another part of the world by a different person. People can share information with each other, talk to each other, and interact with each other through games, videos, pictures, or other activities. There are many different things to do on the internet that can be fun and helpful for your everyday activities, such as watching movies, looking up yummy recipes, or even learning about fun new things such as dinosaurs!

The internet connects people all over the world!

Staying Safe Online

While there are many fun things to do on the internet, it is important to remember to stay safe. People on the internet may not be who they say they are, people may say things that you make feel hurt or angry, or ask you to do things that you make you feel uncomfortable. It is important to use the internet carefully and follow the rules of safety. Your online and offline worlds are connected, meaning that what happens on the internet may continue in your life at home, work, or at school, and what happens in your home, work, or school life, may continue on the internet. This website talks about strategies that you can use to stay safe on the internet, while still continuing to use it to help with your daily activities and have fun! It is important to remember that when you are unsure about what to do, it is best to ask a trusted adult, such as a parent, for guidance before doing anything. 

Watch this video for more information!

Netsafe Episode 1: What is the internet (Grades K-3)

Easy to understand video that explains what the internet is and how to stay safe! 

Your Online and Offline Worlds

Your online and offline worlds are connected, meaning that what happens on the internet may continue in your life at home, work, or at school, and what happens in your home, work, or school life, may continue on the internet. Just because you can't see the other person's face and see how they feel about what you say, does not mean that you can say unkind things. You should try to say only nice and honest things online so that you don't hurt your friends and family offline. What you say and post in your online world can affect you in your offline world, and what you post or share online stays there forever. 

Your online and offline worlds are connected!



Friends and teachers at your school

Online chat rooms and private messaging

Friends on social media websites such as Facebok

Sending and getting emails

Your online and offline worlds are connected by the people that you talk and share with

What you say or share online may affect you offline. 

Community service workers like the police or firefighters

Your family

Your community


Pictures and videos

Websites and search engines such as Google or Yahoo

Using the Computer Safely

When using the computer make sure that you are sitting in the correct position to keep from hurting your body. Being at the computer for long amounts of time can also hurt you and make you feel sore and tired. To remind yourself to take breaks, set an alarm for every 30 minutes to remind yourself to get up and go do something fun away from your computer. You could go get a snack, play with your brother or sister, or go for a walk with a family around your neighbourhood. Remember that safe internet use starts with smart computer use.


Follow these tips and tricks to learn more about using the computer without getting hurt and see if you can spot the people’s mistakes in this fun video! 


Click on these links with a trusted adults for tips and tricks on how to sit when using your computer and what settings you should use on your computer​

Take a break every 30 minutes

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